Wednesday, May 25, 2011

10 Quick-Easy-And-Healthy Breakfast to-go ideas!

You have all heard how breakfast is the most important meal of the day, right?  Still some kids don't get a good breakfast in the morning.  It is hard to make time to eat in the morning when you are getting ready to go to work and getting the kids ready for school, along with all the other things you need to get done before you head out the door!  Here is a great post from with great ideas for fast, on the go breakfast ideas!

  1. Peanut Butter and Jelly Sandwiches.  Erica actually does this quite often. She'll make herself two sandwiches. One for her lunch, and one to eat right away.
  2. Frozen muffins.  Prepare and bake muffins on the weekend.  Freeze the entire batch.  Each night set out enough muffins for your family, and they will be defrosted by morning.  Like them warm?  A quick 10 seconds in the microwave and they'll taste like they just came out of the oven.
  3. Frozen wafflesThis recipe makes a TON of waffles.  Make them all, and put them in Ziploc freezer bags in the freezer.  Toast these on mornings you want to take a waffle.
  4.  Hard boiled egg sandwich.  I ate these every day when I was pregnant.  I always had an egg and bread craving.  I toast two pieces of whole wheat bread. Slice a hard boiled egg and sandwich it between the toast.
  5. Overnight oats.  Prepared the night before, this breakfast is supposed to be eaten cold.  Your kids can eat this to-go, but make sure you bring a spoon.
  6. Single serving smoothies.  Instead of getting all the ingredients out for your smoothies each morning, prepare a large amount of smoothie once.  Freeze the smoothie in 8 ounce portions, or even a Popsicle mold.  Take out one for each child in the morning. Let it defrost slightly and re-blend, or mix when slushy.
  7. Breakfast cookies! Make your favorite granola bar recipe and add loads of dried fruit and nuts, with little sugar.  Shape them into a cookie, rather than in bars.  Your kids might LOVE having cookies for breakfast!
  8. Fruit Salad, or fruit kabobs.  These should both be prepared by cutting fruit the night before.  Take a bowl full of fruit salad with Popsicle sticks for stabbing or eating on the go.  Toast or bagels are always delicious with fruit salad.
  9. Breakfast burritos.  Spread almond butter and top with honey or bananas on a whole wheat tortilla.  Wrap up and take with you!
  10. CEREAL! Isn't this the ultimate fast-breakfast food?  It can be healthy too.  Place 1 cup of whole grain, low sugar, high fiber cereal into sandwich bags.  Add dried fruit and nuts to make it into trail mix.  Take on the road.

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  1. Hello,
    I have a quick question for you about your site. If you could please get back to me as soon as possible I would greatly appreciate it. Have a great day!

    Dan Gilbert
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